KWISP Wireless Internet 630-942-5940

Residential plans
Plan Download Upload usage GB/mo Price/mo*
5M 5 Mbps 1.2 Mbps unlimited $40
10M 10 Mbps 2.5 Mbps unlimited $50
15M 15 Mbps 3.7 Mbps unlimited $60
20M 20 Mbps 5 Mbps unlimited $75
30M 30 Mbps 7.5 Mbps unlimited $95
40M 40 Mbps 10 Mbps unlimited $120
Installation $99
WiFi router $5/mo
Whole home WiFi ** $10/mo
1 static IP $10/mo
VoIP phone service $20/mo (plus applicable state and local taxes)

* Price including $10 discount for autopay and paperless billing. Must have signed agreement on file for automatic payment via credit or debit card, and email address on file for all billing communications. Contact us for details. (Download authorization form)

** Wireless mesh system, sometimes referred to as "whole home WiFi" (includes main router and additional mesh nodes as needed for WiFi coverage)

Streaming video typically requires at least 5 Mbps for full HD quality. Multiply by the number of streams you intend to watch at the same time. If you will be streaming video on 2 or more screens simultaneously, we recommend at least the 10M plan. If you will be working from home via Teams or similar video conferencing, we recommend at least 2.5 Mbps both upstream and downstream.

Service is not for resale and is subject to our acceptable use policy.

For more information, please call 630-942-5940 or email

Copyright 2025 ExpressDial Internet dba KWOM/KWISP